
  • Supported formats: mp3, ogg, wma, wav, flac, mp4, m4a, ra, rm, cue
  • Online radio supported
  • Player engine: mplayer for all environments, xine for Linux systems
  • Volume control, mute function
  • Karaoke function
  • Blaster
  • Normalization
  • Shuffle and echo options
  • OSD (On-screen brandish)
  • Hotkeys


  • Reads mp3, ogg, flac, wma, mp4, ra, rm tags
  • Writes mp3, ogg, flac, wma, mp4 tags
  • Reads and shows pictures included in ID3v2 tags
  • Tag editor window
  • Auto tag edition tools: fix runway number, genre, lyrics then on automatically
  • Some machine tag tools for all repository
  • Extended search role


  • Allows users to view music categorized by artist, anthology or genre in a hierarchy tree, or by folders
  • Fast access to songs and albums
  • Filter option to find hands artists, albums or genres
  • Comprehend Navigator


  • Support for huge playlist, with m of songs
  • Back up for multiple playlists at the same fourth dimension
  • Shows multiple columns: title, artist, album, genre, length, track number…
  • Can be sorted by any of the columns
  • Columns tin be hidden for simplicity
  • Support for open or save m3u playlists
  • Full Drag-and-Drop back up. Songs can be dragged from the navigator or from the Os file arrangement
  • Tin can be filtered

Device view

  • Connect your portable actor or anything that could be mounted as a file organisation, and view in aTunes, copy to repository, synchronize, etc.


  • Songs, albums or artists can be selected as favorites
  • Favorite elements are shown in the "Favorites" tab in Navigator


  • Artist search tool in unlike web pages: YouTube, Google Video , Wikipedia, etc.
  • data: when a song is existence played, album information, artist albums and similar artists are shown
  • contour update: songs played are submitted to your profile
  • Lyrics information: when a song is being played, automatically aTunes shows lyrics
  • Related videos at YouTube


  • Subscribe your favorite podcast feeds and listen them in aTunes
  • Download podcast feed entries to your hard disk

Audio CD

  • aTunes includes a cd ripper tool, using cdda2wav, lame, flac and oggenc. Just put an audio cd into your estimator, and select "Import CD" in the "Tools" menu. Y'all can select which tracks to rip, and get track names automatically from Amazon.
  • Support for optional Nero AAC encoder. See Adding the Nero AAC encoder
  • Support for optional FAAC encoder (except Windows Os)
  • Support for CDParanoia on Mac Bone 10 and Linux (limited functionality)


  • Songs played, songs never played
  • Songs most played
  • Album virtually played
  • Artist most played
  • Last date of play


  • Standard view with all controls and features
  • Multi window view. Every window element (navigator, playlist, context information) is shown as a separate window. Every window can be located and / or bundled as you want.
  • System tray icon to command thespian
  • Themes support: you tin can change aTunes colors by changing theme
  • Full Screen Mode

What's New:

  • Store metadata for all kind of files, even if it does non support an internal tag
  • New option to show a navigation tabular array filter
  • New pick to hibernate navigation tree and apply only navigation table to select elements
  • Can store ratings both in files and in an external database to not change files
  • Faster podcast download
  • New playlist pick to end playback subsequently the current track
  • New options to load / salve play list replacing play list or creating a new one